H1N1 Pandemic
The Health Ministry and WHO declared H1N1 influenza as pandemic also known as Swine flu. In India, reports state more than 25000 cases affected by H1N1 virus. Recently, Marathon runner OP Jaisha on 26th Aug tested positive for H1N1 virus aka swine flu after returning from Rio last week. She is the second Indian athlete to test positive for the virus after Sudha Singh was confirmed to be carrying the type A influenza. The changing weather, unusual rains adds to incubation and spread of deadly virus. Do you knowSpirulina can help in this cause?
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Detox with Spirulina
Today, Metal toxicity inflicts us from every corner. From aluminium in deodorants to mercury in dental fillings or silver dust in sweets or zinc, iron in medications. Rapid Industrialization has increased the presence of heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead to mention a few) and its waste products in our daily life. Although several measures are in place to avoid these substances, but some exposure is inevitable. Since even small amounts of heavy metals in body can cause negative side effects like fatigue, headaches, digestive problems and skin conditions, it’s important to follow...
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Wishing #TeamIndia for #Rio2016. Make us proud #DikhaoDum.
With the biggest sporting event of the world – Rio Olympics, our team decided to let a big secret out. Athletes usually keep nutritional secrets well guarded. Won’t it be beneficial to know nutrition secrets of athletes, especially Spirulina Nutrition.
Super-foods have been around for decades now. They have become incredibly popular among athletes. Athletes need to ingest food dense in nutrients to perform at their potential. And what’s better than Spirulina for their nutrient need.
Super-foods provide “clean” energy, increase stamina and extend endurance. They also contain large doses of anti-oxidants, vitamins...
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You must heard about nutrient packed “powder house” gaining popularity quickly known as Prodiet. New Age Nutrition presents the nutrition power of Prodiet Spirulina.
A single tablespoon (7 grams) of dried spirulina powder packs upto
- Protein: 5 grams
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): 11% of the RDA
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 15% of the RDA
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 4% of the RDA
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