Spirulina a day keep H1N1 away!!

Spirulina against H1N1

H1N1 Pandemic

The Health Ministry and WHO declared H1N1 influenza as pandemic also known as Swine flu.  In India, reports state more than 25000 cases affected by H1N1 virus. Recently, Marathon runner OP Jaisha on 26th Aug tested positive for H1N1 virus aka swine flu after returning from Rio last week. She is the second Indian athlete to test positive for the virus after Sudha Singh was confirmed to be carrying the type A influenza. The changing weather, unusual rains adds to incubation and spread of deadly virus. Do you knowSpirulina can help in this cause?


 Does Spirulina help against H1N1?

The questions lurks what is the way to protect family and self from H1N1 virus? To find answer one must look into why Influenza A ( H1N1 ) attacks all age groups? It’s an easy reason to guess –

  • Younger adults don’t maintain a balanced diet due to hectic lifestyle which reduces their immunity.
  • Immune system of children and elders are not at par to counter viral infection

What if we told you there is a simple solution to safeguard ourselves: Prodiet Spirulina

According to a report in Journal of Medicinal food, acidic condition of body makes it prone to virus attacks.  But yet, such a viral attack can be averted by use of Spirulina. Spirulina changes the pH of body into healthy alkaline state along with strengthening immune system. Moreover, Spirulina is a powerhouse of nutrients which makes it a potent food to fight infections and viruses. Some specific studies reveal that Spirulina is also helpful in controlling H1N1 infection.

Our daily food consists mainly of 100% acid-forming food like seafood, rice, noodles etc which is very unhealthy. High acidity in body reduces the activity of immune cells besides making an environment which harbours virus growth. Therefore, we should aim for food which renders alkalinity in body to have sustained good health.


 Why Spirulina helps against H1N1?

  • SPIRULINA is an alkaline food with potent array of beneficial nutrients.
  • It has all the essential amino acids and 10 of the 12 non-essential amino acids.
  • It is easily digestible, assimilated and bio-available.
  • Many studies prove Spirulina’s efficacy on health, including boosting body’s immune system against various illnesses, infections & chronic diseases.
  • Spirulina is an abundant source of phycocyanin (7-8%), a potent health-building pigment.
  • Phycocyanin helps produce stem cells, giving Spirulina a rejuvenating and energizing effect.
  • Phycocyanin inhibits infection and reproduction of H1N1 virus.
  • Lipoproteins in Spirulina sensitize body towards any viral/bacterial attack alongwith reinforcing the immune system.
  • Spirulina contains several bio-available forms of the mineral Sulphur which is famous for improving the immune system, rapid healing, and the functionality of liver and pancreas.

We can now change old adage, Spirulina every day, keeps doctor away!

Did you have your dosage today? Get Prodiet Spirulina from our online stores and seek discounts.

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