Detox with Spirulina
Today, Metal toxicity inflicts us from every corner. From aluminium in deodorants to mercury in dental fillings or silver dust in sweets or zinc, iron in medications. Rapid Industrialization has increased the presence of heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead to mention a few) and its waste products in our daily life. Although several measures are in place to avoid these substances, but some exposure is inevitable. Since even small amounts of heavy metals in body can cause negative side effects like fatigue, headaches, digestive problems and skin conditions, it’s important to follow natural methods to cleanse your body of these toxins. So what better than detox with Spirulina and reap health benefits.
Why Spirulina is Effective for Heavy Metal Detox
The answer to natural metal detoxification is simply single-celled organism i,e Spirulina.. It is a micro-algae which has existed on earth since dawn of time. Spirulina was revered as powerhouse of nutrients in many civilizations and today it has elevated to “Superfood” for achieving overall health and well-being. Check our previous posts on health effects of Spirulina.
Spirulina is an effective chelating agent for removal of toxins as mercury and radioactive substances from the body. It is also used to remove cadmium and lead from waste industrial water.
While some detoxifying supplements simply release toxins from cells and tissues, “Prodiet” Spirulina is adept at binding to toxic metals and pushing it out of entire system. Spirulina contains naturally occurring proteins and peptides which bind to these toxins and carry them out of body. The chlorophyll in Spirulina also aids heavy metal detoxification.
Other Amazing Health Benefits.
Just as important as its ability to detox heavy metals, Spirulina exhibits strong healing and regenerating capabilities. It is a powerhouse of beneficial vitamins, mineral, proteins and fats which work in synergy to provide energy and vitality.
Appropriate Dosage.
What Amount?
Use Prodiet Spirulina in very high doses for heavy metal detox. Because it is so effective at binding toxins and purging them from the body, it can actually reduce some of the common side effects associated with detoxification. A typical dosage of spirulina for heavy metal detox is about 20 – 30 grams per day. You may want to start with as little as 500mg daily and work up as needed to allow your body to adjust. After completing detox, you can taper down to a maintenance dosage of 3 – 6 grams per day.
It’s important to find a manufacturer of spirulina who provides clean spirulina free from fillers and additives. New Age Nutrition does ensure the cleanest product following strict guidelines and check procedures.
When Preferablly?
Although, anytime is a good time to start detox cycle, we at NewAgeNutrition suggest you do it in months of Aug/Sept or the Fall. Doing a detox in Fall will keep immune system healthy and prepare organs for colder months ahead. Let us know how your detox cycle progresses and benefits you?