News — nutrition

Top 11 Reasons to consume Spirulina


Unbelievable Reasons to use Spirulina daily

You might have heard about Spirulina but thought that this was something that only health nuts got into. Maybe you though Spirulina was a new rock band. Then again, maybe you’ve never heard of Spirulina.

In case you haven’t heard, Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae. This is an incredible super food that provides humans with a super concentrated source of antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients. Spirulina is perhaps one of the oldest forms of life on this planet and was used...

Spirulina Chia Marshmallow Vegan Cake

Spirulina Chia Marshmallow Vegan Cake

Delicious discovery of a nutritious cake. Enjoy your Christmas with Nutritious Spirulina Chia Marshmallow Cake

Spirulina For Children : Really Safe Or Powerhouse Of Nutrition !!!

Spirulina For Children : Really Safe Or Powerhouse Of Nutrition !!!

Miracle food – Spirulina for Children

Of all the humans that can benefit from taking Spirulina, children can benefit the most. Children love Spirulina & it is highly nutritious for them. Children of all ages can eat Spirulina in complete safety and assimilate its nutrients without difficulty. Even malnourished children with diminished capacity for nutrient absorption could assimilate Spirulina and recover from malnutrition. Spirulina can builds up tissue growth, improve vision,strengthens body’s immune system there by improves resistance to chronic infections, ability to heal and ability to concentrate...

Become a Superhero with Superfood Spirulina

Become a Superhero with Superfood Spirulina

Join the Superhero trend

be a part of Superhero triend with a Superfood Spirulina. Spirulina is an algae (perfect for vegetarians and vegans) that is completely full of all kind of vitamins and minerals. It was once a staple food for people living in the early Americas and Africa, but most people don’t have it in their diet today. However, you can easily add it with a supplement like Prodiet Spirulina!

How is superfood Spirulina

Spirulina has a lot of protein, high levels of chlorophyll (which supports healthy blood), essential fatty acids, iron, 8 essential amino-acids, enzymes, antioxidants, and much...

Spirulina a day keep H1N1 away!!

Spirulina against H1N1

H1N1 Pandemic

The Health Ministry and WHO declared H1N1 influenza as pandemic also known as Swine flu.  In India, reports state more than 25000 cases affected by H1N1 virus. Recently, Marathon runner OP Jaisha on 26th Aug tested positive for H1N1 virus aka swine flu after returning from Rio last week. She is the second Indian athlete to test positive for the virus after Sudha Singh was confirmed to be carrying the type A influenza. The changing weather, unusual rains adds to incubation and spread of deadly virus. Do you knowSpirulina can help in this cause?

