The Smoothie Algo
The team at New Age Nutrition has been searching for delicious & healthy break for mornings. Mornings are the ideal time to rejuvenate your body with healthy and nutritious stuff. And what better way than to gulp through nutritious smoothie based on our Prodiet Spirulina.
We were trying various combinations with different greens, nuts, fruits & veggies. The search led us to create an algorithm sort of recipe for Smoothies. One may vary the ingredients, however, the steps and subsets remain more or less same. Follow the steps and make your own version of Spirulina Smoothies.
Steps to achieve glassful of healthy Spirulina smoothie
Step 1. Start with greens, a handful of kale or spinach or a scoop of raw green Prodiet Spirulina.
Step 2. Add a fruit like carrot, banana or berries for adding anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins.
Step 3. Choose a fiber – from hemp , chia or watermelon seeds and keep things moving.
Step 4. Include a protein – Prodiet Spirulina, Nut butter, or any other Protein supplement.
Step 5. Choose fat with lower cholestrol from coconut, avocado or flax.
Step 6. Add liquid from coconut water, almond milk, green tea or lime zest.
Step 7. Get a boost from Apple cider, minced ginger, pomegranate.
Blend all ingredients and add some stevia for the sweetness. You have a glassful of healthy Smoothie within minutes.
Nutrition value of Prodiet at a glance
Presented here is a brief recap of nutrition value of Prodiet Spirulina. For every 100 grams of Prodiet Spirulina, there are 60~70 grams of protein, a total of 290 calories. Compare that to 100 grams of animal food and you will only find 26 grams of protein within 250 calories. However, you won’t be making spirulina patties anytime soon. 100 grams of spirulina may be equal to quarter a bottle, depending on how it is sold. But a small teaspoon of spirulina can add upto 4 grams of protein to your shake.
Vitamin breakdown: Thiamine, Riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, zinc, beta-carotene, and chlorophyll. There are many other vitamins present, albeit in much smaller quantities. Its an all natural, powerhouse supplement that’s great for immunity and detoxifying the body.
Why we prefer to go Smoothie way?
Spirulina is kind of treated as a add-on to recipes. Most online recipes seem to incorporate just a toss of spirulina, under-utilizing its flavor. It is a tricky food since it tends to make everything bright green. The fastest and perhaps easiest way to get it in your system is to mix a teaspoon with a cup of almond milk or orange juice. Benefits galore, we are now believing in “A teaspoon of Spirulina a day, will keep the doctor away”.
Let us know, if you tried any variants of this! keep out an eye for Patties recipe soon here or at our blog at NewAgeNutrition